Welcome Home
The Welcome Home Program is an innovative initiative that combines transitional housing and outreach services to get homeless families in Siouxland off the streets as soon as possible. Our mission is to give them first a safe, furnished place to live, clothing and food; but most importantly a chance to work one-on-one with a family development specialist so they can obtain permanent housing and self-sufficiency. The Welcome Home program has been developed by an Advisory Board. A goal of this program is to address any barriers families may have that contributed to their homelessness. Families that are homeless often have many barriers including: mental health, substance abuse issues, disabilities, transportation, and lack of knowledge about available services. The Family Specialist will help identify and overcome those barriers by forging a relationship with the family and providing intensive support. In the past year the program has assisted 25 families; 72 individuals with a place to live while they worked to find permanent housing.
Rental Assistance Programs: When assisting with rent we focus on two areas, either preventing individuals from becoming homeless or rehousing individuals that are currently homeless:
Landlord FormHomeless Prevention (Must be at risk of being homeless)
To meet the criteria for the program you must have at least one of the documents listed below:
- 1. Written Documentation from Landlord of intent to evict (Text Messages or Verbal notices are not acceptable)
- 2. Must have written rental agreement between you and your landlord (verbal agreements are not acceptable)
- 3. If you are exiting a treatment facility or halfway house, you must provide documentation of the date you are due to exit the facility.
- 4. Documentation that your residence has been Red Tagged
- 5. Documentation of Foreclosure
- 6. Provide Social security cards from everyone in the household
Rehousing (Must be homeless)
To meet the criteria for the program you must show documentation that you:
- 1. Reside in a shelter
- 2. Reside in transitional housing (this does not include treatment facilities or a halfway house)
- 3. Live in a place not meant for human habitation
- 4. Must be able to provide documentation from an outside agency on that specific situation.
- 5. Provide Social Security cards for everyone in the household
In addition to providing the documentation listed above you will also need to provide proof of all household income for the last 90 day. If you recently began working and have not yet received a paycheck you will need to get a written letter from your employer stating your start date, rate of pay and the number of hours you work/week. If you received Social Security Benefits, FIP, Unemployment, Child Support or any other government benefits you must bring proof of income with you. We do not have access to look up these documents for you. If you are seeking assistance with first month’s rent or deposit you cannot have moved in or signed a lease prior to coming in for assistance.