How Can You Make A Difference?

Cash Donations

We receive funding from local, state and federal grants. However, with continuous budget cuts and increasing energy costs, these funds run short and the needs of some low-income families go unmet. Our Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) also welcomes cash donations to help meet its required cash match.

Make checks payable to:
Community Action Agency of Siouxland
2700 Leech Avenue
Sioux City, IA 51106

Other ways to give

Consider that 85% of Americans give to charity yearly, yet only 6% of estates indicate a planned gift to charity. While the Community Action Agency of Siouxland receives some support from government agencies, much of our funding comes from people just like you who give generously throughout their lives. Your charitable gift in your will or estate plan can help our organization's work well into the future. YOU can make a difference in the lives that follow!

Consider what just 1% of your assets could accomplish!

Donation of Goods

The Community Action Agency of Siouxland also accepts a wide variety of donations. In turn, we offer these items to low-income individuals free of charge. Canned goods, paper products and hygiene products are also accepted. We also welcome donations of new school supplies and backpacks. (Please see list of acceptable donations below.) Also, please call before bringing furniture, office equipment or large quantity donations.

Holiday Gifts

We help provide low-income children with holiday gifts. We need families and organizations to “Adopt-A-Child” during the holidays.

Raise Awareness

An easy way to help low-income families is by raising awareness in the community. We encourage you to write your politicians about poverty in our community. Another option is to invite a representative of the Community Action Agency to speak to your organization.

Help the Community Action Agency of Siouxland help others by donating now.